Thursday, September 20, 2007


Think back to when you were a child.
What did you dream of as you fell asleep —space travel, did you go back in time?
Or maybe you dreamed of a magic screen that you could carry in your pocket — a screen to entertain you whenever you wanted.
It held your favorite, music, pictures, stories — it helped you find your way home — a screen that brought all of this to you wherever you were at the speed of light.
That was your dream.
With the magic of Sprint screen it all came true.

Maybe you've seen this latest "Sprint Ahead" ad campaign by Sprint. I guess Sprint was reading the mind of America...or at lest trying to. Instant ethnocentric, sensory, gratification seems to be every childs dream, trumping even the traversing of both space and time.

At least in my case, Sprint missed the mark, and knowing the reasders of this humble blog, yours too. My dreams have come true, but the channel has not been through instant access to last night's episode of Deal Or No Deal on my telephone. I can remember sitting at the dinner table with my parents when I was seven years old, professing that when I was "old" I would have seven children. Ok, so I don't have seven...but I do have four amazing angels, and a beautiful wife to share the duties of parenthood with. Every time I look at this picture I care less for my cell phone and realize my dreams have come true--and not with the magic of Sprint.

*By the way, in this pic Sandra told them to make a funny face...who do you think is the dominant of the three shown here?


Anonymous said...

*By the way, in this pic Sandra told them to make a funny face...who do you think is the dominant of the three shown here?

Why, it has to be miss exuberant in the middle, of course!

I always dreamed of lots and lots of kids too. I was a bit extreme (10...maybe 15) but I can easily see 5-8 little "me"s running around killing each other.

I can't wait.

nate said...

Thanks Raymond,
Haha, great perception on "miss exuberant"--that is her to a 't'

Glad you want children, and so many, they will bless you immensly!